Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Literacy Stations

We have added a new part to Reader's Workshop: Literacy Stations! At this age it is hard for students to read independently for more than 15-20 minutes. To extend the time students are reading, we implemented Literacy Stations. Literacy Stations are centers that focus on reading. Some of the Literacy Stations that we are participating in right now are reading genre books(ex. Dr. Suess books, Arthur books, etc.), retelling "Star" books, retelling nursery rhymes, and telephone reading (students talk into a "telephone" made out of PVC pipe which allows them to hear themselves read).


Ashley Russell said...

Literacy Stations sound like so much fun! I really enjoyed seeing your class in action today. It is evident that you all have your rituals and routines down pat! The kids knew exactly what to do and were working so well together. Way to go on a job well done ladies!
:) Miss Russell

Mrs. Felter said...

Dear Friends,

When are our classes going to become reading buddies?! Soon I hope because we really like reading with partners!

Miss L :)

Anonymous said...

Those are really cool pictures! I love the dots and everything!

Unknown said...

We love seeing all the kids working so hard, and really enjoying it! K. Foster