Thursday, September 4, 2008

Star Books

You may have noticed your Kindergartener talking about mischeiveous monkies, an ordinary peddler, billy goats, or maybe even a mean ugly troll lately. This is because we have started our "Star" book retellings and vocabulary. "Star" books are classic narrative stories that we read over and over again in the beginning of Kindergarten. Most students do not come into Kindergarten as conventional readers, so we use students' abilities to retell a story as a means of assessment. After we have read the "Star" books several times as a class, students are able to retell the stories orally and also by acting them out. We also study vocabulary words from the stories, such as ordinary, finally, disturb, etc. We encourage you to read these stories at home as well. Here is a list of the "Star" books we will be studying this year:

Caps For Sale
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Red Riding Hood
Where The Wild Things Are
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Harry the Dirty Dog
The Gingerbread Boy
A Pocket for Corduroy
Peter's Chair
Mop Top
The Little Red Hen
Jack and the Beanstalk
Big Al


Anonymous said...

Greetings - Cooper's dad here. Just wondering if you can recommend websites or math/letter/word drills that we can work with our kids on.

Anonymous said...

Eric and I read Caps for Sale tonight and he LOVED it. He said I need to put a little more effort into my voice effects though! :) We're looking forward to reading the other books together!

Anonymous said...

We will make a new post with educational websites! :)

Jenny Nash said...

Emma was talking to me tonight about her reading bag and her book-in-a-bag. I can't get all the info from her (of course) and am curious to know more about how the books are selected. Are they purely student choice? :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The reading bag is where they keep their books (we are using bags instead of book bins this year). The Book-in-a-Bag is the book they are choosing to bring home for the night to read. Every Monday students choose 5 level books and 1 "star" book. Students are allowed to choose the books. The levels the students are on are determined through testing. If they are not yet reading, they will still take home level A books to practice with.

Anonymous said...

Another educational website that Macy likes is It's everything weather, weather games, weather jokes, etc.